

Are You at Constant War With Your Body?

My friend, Nina Manolson is an expert in making peace with our bodies. I have used her coaching services to stop the non stop chatter that is constantly yapping and negative fat and diet talk at me.

Can you relate? I am just about 60 and grow so tired of the dialogue that is in my head around weight, body image and what to eat, what not to eat, blah blah blah. Nina is hosting a  2 day retreat in Providence, RI, and also has incredible coaching services to help you stop the madness so many of us have been not only raised with, but also live with on a day to day basis.

Below is her recent email I wanted to share to see if anything she says may resonate with you. Feel free to ask me any questions about my own experience with Nina or ask Nina directly as her contact info is below.
As Wayne Dyer often said,
“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”  


Did you know that women, on average, criticize themselves eight times a day?


According to a 2016 Weight Watchers survey, this constant self-criticism starts as early as 9:30 a.m. each morning. 


And in a Glamour magazine survey, 97% of women reported experiencing at least one "I hate my body" moment daily!!!


I find these statistics alarming, but unfortunately not surprising 😢


Do these numbers surprise you?

Do you totally relate?

Do you criticize yourself even more than these surveys talk about?


If you're in the painful cycle of body-hate and body-shame it's really important to understand that it’s not your fault. 


Society has ingrained in us the harmful habits of body-hate and body-shame:


  • Body-Hate: The belief that our worth is tied to how our bodies look, leading us to focus on perceived flaws and imperfections rather than embracing our bodies as they are.
  • Body-Shame: The deep-seated feeling that we are fundamentally flawed because we don't meet society's impossible standards of beauty, making us feel unworthy of love and acceptance.


And...there’s a BIG cost to living with body-hate and body-shame.


Here's The Impact of Body Criticism:


  • Erosion of Self-Worth: Constant self-criticism chips away at our confidence and self-esteem, making us feel unworthy of love and acceptance.


  • Mental and Emotional Strain: This relentless focus on perceived flaws leads to anxiety, depression, and a diminished sense of well-being.


  • Lack of Wellbeing-Promoting Behaviors: Body dissatisfaction often leads to neglecting self-care and avoiding healthy habits that support overall wellness.


But it doesn't have to be this way. 


There’s a path to a healthier, more compassionate relationship with your body—Body-Peace.


Body-Peace is the practice of being in a nurturing and respectful relationship with your body, free from the harsh judgment and criticism that's held you back.


If you're ready to step onto the Body-Peace Path


Join us for the Body-Peace Experience Retreat from September 22-24 in Providence, Rhode Island, where you'll dive deep into transforming your relationship with your body. 


These three days are your opportunity to leave behind the cycle of body criticism and embrace a new way of living with kindness and allyship with your body!


This weekend is your last chance to save:

  • Save on Registration: Use the coupon code 50offExperience to save an additional $50 on your registration.
  • Special Hotel Rate: This is also the final chance to take advantage of our special group rate at the hotel.

Don’t miss this opportunity to experience a profound shift toward Body-Peace.


Secure your spot today and start your journey toward a more peaceful and loving relationship with your body.


Looking forward to seeing you there!





Nina Manolson M.A. 
Body-Peace® Coach

Helping women end the war with their body and create Body-Peace®.
Masters in Counseling Psychology
Certified Body-Trust® Provider
Psychology of Eating Coach & teacher

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