Celebrating 25 Years in Business With Alayne White
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With my own two hands, my very tiny business started in a 8x10 room in the back of Hair Heart and Soul that used to be located to the right side of Bristol House Of Pizza. Nicki Tyska owned the salon back then; Sarah Redman would be the owner a few years later, after I found my new home at the Bristol Harbor Inn.
Whether you are a new customer or a Super ALister, EVERY PURCHASE YOU MAKE AT ANY SMALL BUSINESS MAKES A DIFFERENCE.
Small businesses are the bread and butter of our economy.
Alayne White Spa & Body Boutique Inc. was officially opened on June 21st on the summer solstice. Before opening the door that morning, with the new shiny key in my hand, I walked down to the harbor and sat down on the bench— where the large tent that houses events is now. I looked out over the bay with immense hope and excitement, a new anointed title, entrepreneur, added to other titles in my life- young mom, wife.
I said a prayer of gratitude. Like many special experiences in my life, I had a conversation with my brother Michael, (who passed away in 1995), to connect with his spirit, to tell him him how much I missed him. I could feel his presence in that moment with me like he was there sitting with me to share in the joy. Just as I finished, the timing of the church bells did their nine gongs
I remember it feeling like it was literally divine, like the bells were confirming my successful beginnings (like when I see cardinals now, when I am feeling unsure about something, more often than not, a cardinal seems to fly by at the exact time).
The entire space was less than 400 square feet, two small treatment rooms, one retail, sitting, desk, phone, makeup area that was less than eighty square feet. Sara Walsh, then Faria, helped me open and she worked alongside of me like a business partner for many years helping me grow my business, my brand, to what is now simply called, Alayne White.
I grew up with business owners. My grandfather owned a successful textile mill, Darwood Manufacturing, in Fall River, Mass. with his brother for many years. My father was a very smart and creative entrepreneur trying his hand at many ventures in his life. I think I got the best of both of them. Pragmatism and success from Herbie, and creative swirling mind from Dad. There aren’t a lot of small business owners who can say that they have been open for 25 years with as much enthusiastic joy like I do.
Despite all the shit that comes at business owners, I love it more today than ever. And this amazes me. Small businesses are the bread and butter of our economy. We often wear hundreds of hats in any given day. HR, accounts payable, accounts receivable, manager, bookkeeper, payroll specialist, time keeper, buyer, marketing and brand developer, ad manager, social media creator, creative department, scheduler, even therapist, naming only a few.
We create fire (and fires sometimes) and we put them out. We drive our teams crazy with our ever changing minds, yet hopefully we end up with teams who love their jobs as much as we love owning our businesses, despite the size we end up with.
My business has always had a clear objective for me- to live the life I am living while I am living. Business owning, especially the last 3 years, has tested and shaken me up then spit me back out again, all of us really, for so many different reasons.
One of the best parts of owning my business is that I have freedom and flexibility with my ever changing creative spirit. This is not by accident.
We have celebrated our victories, licked the wounds of our losses, swept ourselves and our worries out with the dust and gotten back up to dust ourselves off off to start fresh day after day. On March 15, 2020, my 55th birthday, I never thought we would do facials again. Really. But here we are celebrating so much.
We are still standing. Taller, maybe a little more wrinkled, but definitely prouder than ever.
The only reason I have ever been able to do this work is because of the development of a strong and mighty team. As long as I have had a team, big, like in the past, and small, like now, they have always come to work, sleeves rolled up, ready to serve and give the best service. They are some of the best women in the beauty business I have ever met. All I have ever wanted for them is that they each find their joy the same way they have helped me find mine.
I would like to use this week to acknowledge not only my 25 year mark, but also the people along the way who have made this all possible.
It does take a village to make a small business.
I know there is no I in team as the cliche goes, but there is an M and an E. Luck is not what happens with good teams. It is usually because of a driver in the driver seat and I am fully aware that my success stems from my ability to gather the best in the business and teach them all I know then let them make their own magic. Good leadership is letting your team fly and do what they do without micromanaging every little thing. If we treat our team like kindergartners, we get kindergartners, treat them like adults and magic happens.
I have lost some along the way, some have opened their own businesses from the pandemic tragedy, some have moved or moved on simply because it was just time. All new business is good business and I wish anyone who has worked for me the same goodness they have bestowed on me when I was their employer. I am still standing like a proud mama and I am so proud of the clan that is left and the amazing team I have now.
They have stayed for the wild ride always with a smile and a positive cheer. They are the ones who have given me the feeling of Yes Alayne, we can make a facial business work during a pandemic or a flood, (or a divorce, or cancer, family tragedy and loss, or births, vacations, weddings and celebrations), and all of the other good and bad life coming at us things that just happen. I am humbled by the lessons. I cherish them. I could not live my life the way I live it without my team. I can go away and never ever worry about this little engine that could that still chugs along always improving, always growing and always changing.
If any of my present or past team feel that they have been lucky to work for Alayne White, the brand, I, Alayne White, the person, the human being who doesn’t always have all the answers, who sometimes wants and needs to shut down and stop the energy flow, am the luckiest woman.
None of this would work the way it always has if clients like you reading this didn’t support us. Small business only works when someone wants to give it their business. You are what makes all of us jump out of bed every day with a zest for life and the work we do.
Here’s to everyone who makes this happen and the people that have shared this life long experience with me. I am likely forgetting some, but in the trials and tribulations of opening and owning a business, mistakes are made, lessons are learned and we all usually come out better from all of them.
In 25 more years, I will be in my eighties. I am fairly confident that if I am still on the right side of the grass, I will be celebrating 50 years in business.
That will be a party for sure.
"There aren’t a lot of small business owners who can say that they have been open for 25 years with as much enthusiastic joy like I do."
To be able to appreciate the past and the present with a sense of calm and happy appreciation is a gift.
My Present Team- holy delight.
Kristina J., The longest employee of all, Twenty years with a slight break to raise twins in between.
Julie B., Corey V., Tracy V., (Caitlin N. and Olivia L. Helpers who come and go as needed.)
Businesses I have used over the years, many I still use 25 years later.
Caromyle Construction, Tim The Plumber, F+S Electric, Cordeiro’s Landscaping, Jimmy Cabral, Ferreira’s Plastering, Roberta’s Painting, Superior Comfort, Joe Lambiase Painting, Sunflower Designs, Residential Properties- Morgan Lowis, especially, Bristol County Savings Bank (Freedom Bank, prior), Bank Newport, East Bay Newspapers, RI Monthly, Oliver Insurance, Andrade Insurance, Dulgarian Properties, Nicki Tyska, Maeve Donahue, Orange Square Design, Mood Marketing, Rachel Dunham of Your Brand Therapy.
Some, but certainly not all, no longer with my company but certainly who were a big part of the Alayne White team. They played a really important roll in its present day success and I am most grateful.
Sara, Tracy, Kerry, Gina, Natalie, Jenna, Marcy, Alison, Susan, Kristine, Aurelie, Tiffany, Lindsay, Ally, Kaitlyn, Kayla and Susie B.
And none of my life would be as good if it weren't for the direct joys in my personal world
David and Michael, my former husband and my amazing son. Without the two of them, this business would have never come to fruition.
Michael C., my partner of almost thirteen years who has certainly taught me how to be a better human.
Thank you for making me better in my job and in my life; it has been a wild and fun ride.