

Stars Selling Skin Care

I don’t know how she landed in my Instagram feed the other day, but there she was.

In her bathrobe, hair up in a terry turban, makeup-less face, talking to me like she was me talking to you about the realities of beauty and skin. There she was touting her new line of skin care, an oil no less, and applying it to her face and throat for the end result of shimmery hydrated skin.

I was mesmerized. For the briefest of moments. I couldn’t take my eyes off of her and her luminous skin not because her product was miraculous, but because she was saying exactly what I have been saying for most of my career and specifically the last two years. As we age, we need more moisture and more moisture makes our skin look dewier and that is goodness.

No Skin Training

Then I became a little disgruntled. After all, this was a famous person— a singer and actress with no apparent skin training other than being a consumer of beauty for endless years. And I found myself thinking, how can small skin businesses compete with this? I am sure that her little stint in the bathroom generated hundreds of thousands of dollars of sales in that reel she did.

I have never had my own skin line. Though I have thought about it for most of my professional life, it is both a gigantic financial and time commitment that I just never really had.

Sure I could find some private label line and slap my name on it to sell product, but that has never felt right to me. If I was going to do my own skin line, it would have to be with a real chemist I could have input with.

Mucho dineros.

Why A Skin Care Line?

The frustration among my peers is our years of industry experience, our expertise in our business and just not having the global reach that a super star would have. Do they really need the money or the fame? What is it that makes them wake up one day and decide to have their own skin care line with their name on it and their incredible capital to back it? I have become really curious about all of this. Frustrated too. I plug along happy to do an Instagram video and get ten sales. It is maddening.

So as I head down the path of being completely annoyed, instead I go back to basics and focus on the incredible client base I have amassed this last few years in the online sphere. Oil? YES. My favorite is Glo Skin Beauty Phyto Conditioning Oil Drops, a miracle product. And you can purchase it here at this special price for trial size. I may not be a superstar with my own product line, but I am a self proclaimed rockstar with great skin at 57 and that will hopefully suffice.

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