


"What kind of facials do you do?" A lovely woman visiting my shop asked me the other day.
With barely a pause, I replied, Old School Facials, I tried not to sound overly proud of this, I mean after all we are talking about lotions and potions slathered on to your face, but still.

When I went to esthetics school in 1986, the hoopla of skin care that we know today didn’t exist. (Neither did social media, email or cell phones). Old School Facials weren’t old school because this was all we knew. 

Hydra facials, microdermabrasion, derma-planing, botox or fillers weren’t in our vocabulary because they weren’t invented for skin yet. The machinery we learned was steamers, galvanic current and high frequency, all still used to this day.

Surrounded by treatment noise, like skin and makeup products themselves, skin care treatments have become so confusing for anyone just wanting to get a good, don’t call it old fashioned, facial.

What we do at alayne white and what we teach is common sense skin care.

If you are taking great care of your skin at home, this is 80% of the work.

Skin care begins the moment you commit to washing your face every single day when you get home from yours- the same time you are giving to brushing your teeth before you go to bed or at the end of your day at whatever work you do.

I can’t speak for all the skin distractions that are going on outside of Alayne White- to me they are mostly quick fixes that seldom last and require extraordinary amounts of money. Not everyone benefits from facials, but everyone benefits from better skin care.

What does an old school facial even mean?

Here is what we do at Alayne White and what we have always done.

We ask some of these questions:

  • What is your at home routine?
  • What is your diet like, your stress level?
  • Do you smoke, go in the sun, drink alcohol or soda?
  • What are you trying to achieve with your skin?
  • Do you pick at your skin? Are you on any medications?

You see, the answers to these questions  add up to us being able to piece together the puzzle of your skin health. More importantly it helps us set the expectation of our treatments so you don’t think that a one and done facial is going to transform skin that has barely seen a cleanser into some glass skin trend in one treatment.

Old school facials means our hands are on your skin, feeling your vibe, checking in with your body temperature, your energy. Feeling the texture of your skin because this tells us what you do and don’t do. Looking at your skin close up to see where your challenges lie and what reasonable answers we may have to correcting the issues if this is something that matters to you.

OLD SCHOOL FACIALS are about touch and treatment. Getting you to take a deep breath and release the endless to do lists even for just an hour. Feeling better about yourself then when you walked through the door because we got your busy mind to rest. Resting is good skin care.

You may think that you need to head to the doctor for all of those injections and fancy named newest treatments, but in the long run, they are not sustainable. I can’t tell you how many under thirty something young women I am seeing at the gym  who are already starting with botox.

Why is the media telling our young women that the lines on their faces at 30 are something to fret about. It used to be our bodies the media poked young women at, but if you have noticed recently it has moved up from our asses and our waist line to our faces now.

We are supposed to age and so is our skin. We keep getting told that forehead lines and wrinkles are the enemy when all along we are are own worst enemy for believing the confusion that has become the skin care business. 

Besides massage therapists, Estheticians are one of the few trades left that have the license to touch. We massage your head, your face and shoulders, your neck. Some of our facials include hand, arm, and foot massage.

Alayne White Facials are always more than you thought they would be. Our facials are thoughtful, kind, knowledgeable, peaceful and professional. Our facials teach you how to  keep your skin healthy, but they also give your spirit and mind a sense of ease.

There is no judgement if you decide to go the route of injections or machine based treatments, but one place you can always come home to is our OLD SCHOOL FACIALS. Where we treat you and your skin like the human beings you are. Our facials are like a hug you haven’t had in a long time. For your heart and your skin.

one of my dear clients and friends, Jean with me, hanging out at one of the wonderful BORN TO RISE events that took place in my garden recently.

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