

Alayne's Favorite Places Blog

Alayne's Favorite Places

With so much isolation from this damn virus, I wanted to reflect back a bit to places I supported this past 2021. In my attempt to have experiences...

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Blurred background with a square drink coaster in focus with text "You drink too much, cuss too much, and have questionable morals. You're everything I ever wanted in a friend. Picture of four woman linked arms and laughing below.

Who is Your Wonder Woman?

Why Wonder Woman? After receiving endless quantities of Wonder Woman swag during my cancer diagnosis in 2017, I became a bit hooked on this Super (...

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Bright room with windows, a desk with a woman standing at the computer, and shelves holding skin care products, T shirts and notebooks.

The Evolution of Shopping

In this wild world of shopping these days, I find myself reflecting back to the good old days. Do you remember when holiday shopping was a lovely r...

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The COVID Shift

The COVID Shift

"Because of Covid"… Have you been hearing this? I hear it when I am on hold for what seems indefinitely. I see it when I head to visit my loved one...

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Take the Skin Care Quiz

Take the Skin Care Quiz

I am in complete awe of my online store. Not because it is perfect; it has already taught me that this is impossible. I am in awe because of the wo...

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Feet with bright toenails, standing on scale, with "WTF" where numbers appear.

The Weight of Weight

I cannot recall a time in my life when I have not been thinking about losing weight. Truth is I have never been satisfied with my weight. The elusi...

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The Power of Plants

The Power of Plants

"Bloom where you are planted." "Plant a seed and watch it grow." The quotes abound when it comes to plants, not to mention the plants themselves...

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